This Ramadan, our Aspen Heights community came together in a number of initiatives throughout the month.
The Ramadan distribution saw groceries being dropped off for our security, housekeeping and facilities staff. These were shared with them weekly, with one of our teachers Meghan Manica picking up the items our families wanted to donate. For the last few weeks of the term, donations will continue to be collected and the staff will receive the collection at the end of the year.
With the current situation, we also took the opportunity of Ramadan to remind our students to be thankful. Students were asked to share what they were most thankful for. Take a look at the link to see what they shared.
Lastly, although we weren’t able to get together for our annual iftar, we were still able to celebrate together through our online “after-iftar live quiz’. Many of our families took part in the quiz making it a fun and memorable event for all of us.