On Monday 11th of December, Year 1 were very lucky as they went on an educational visit to the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi. Our topic this term has been all about the UAE. We have been looking at significant people and buildings in Abu Dhabi so we went there as part of our learning. When we arrived, we had a look at the beautiful patterns and designs all around us and the children took some of their own photographs. We then sat outside the front of the building with our art books and sketched what we could see of the mosque. These drawings turned out amazingly well!
When we returned to school, we wrote recounts of our visit. We used time connectives and conjunctions to do this. Rania Binti Hanif wrote: ‘On Monday Year 1 went to the mosque. First we got on the bus. Next we walked to the mosque and took our shoes off. After that we took some photographs and did some drawing. Finally we got back on the bus and went back to school.’