Frequently asked Questions at Aspen Heights British School


Where is Aspen Heights located?

We are located in Al Bahya, Abu Dhabi, near Emirates Park Zoo

What are the fees?

Our current fee schedule, and detailed information about the different components and payment schedules, can be found on our Fees page.  Fees are normally paid termly, though we do offer a monthly payment plan.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, we offer discounts to Etihad families and to Fazaa, Homat Al Wotan and Mazaya Card Holders. If none of these apply, we offer sibling discount.

Can I tour the school?

We are delighted to be able to offer personal school tours Sunday to Thursday from 2pm to 3pm and we also hold monthly virtual open days. Please note an appointment is required to visit the school and a negative PCR test (within 72 hours of visit) for all adults and over 12s. Please book your visit with our admissions team on 056 538 4416 (call or whatsapp) or

How do I apply?

You can fill in the registration form on this page.

How do you assess children?

Currently, we are offering a simple online assessment, where you upload some information and videos of your children to a Google form. For EYFS, videos of them talking, playing and drawing. For Year 1 upwards videos of them Reading and Writing and recent school reports. Students in Year 7 upwards may then be invited for a short assessment over Zoom on Maths and English. Year 10 applicants will be invited for a CAT test.

Where are our teachers from?

Our classroom teachers are all native English speaking, primarily from the UK and Ireland. We also have our specialist teachers delivering the Ministry of Education’s Arabic, Islamic and Social Studies curriculum.

What is the teacher: student ratio in your school?

Class sizes are up to 20 in Nursery, up to 25 in FS2 and up to 30 in Year 1 upwards, though most are nearer 20. Nursery to Year 2 have teaching assistants and from Year 3 upwards share teaching assistants.

Do you offer school buses?

We offer a bus service from/to the following areas.  Fees are 5,000 AED per year, as per ADEK policy.

Al Bahya, Al Falah, Al Reef 1&2, Al Shalila, Al Rahba, Al Raha Beach, Al Samha, Al Shamkha, Hydra Village, Khalifa City A, Shahama, Shakhbout City, Abu Dhabi Island.

Do I need to buy a device for my child?

No – all of our classrooms have a cabinet of ipads/chromebooks for use by the children. In Secondary, all children are given their own chromebook for use within school.

Do I need to provide stationery?

In EYFS and Primary no stationery is required. In Secondary, students should come to school everyday with their own stationary.

What is your ADEK rating?

Aspen Heights is currently rated Good with elements of Very Good, a remarkable achievement in our very first inspection. Our Senior Leadership Team has set-up at led Oustanding rates schools in the past, so there is a lot of knowledge and expertise.

What is the starting and finishing time of your school day?

With the current COVID regulations, all children have a flexible drop-off from 7.30am – 8am and pick-up from 1.30-2pm.

Ordinarily, the school day starts at 7.45am for all children.  Children in Nursery and FS2 finish at 2pm.  Children in Year 1 upwards finish at 2.20pm. ECA activities (not on during COVID restrictions) run for children in Year 1 upwards until 3.15pm.

How many breaks do the children have?

All children have a mid-morning break for a snack and play and a lunch break for snack and play.

How many nationalities are represented in your school?

Aspen Heights is a truly international school with children from 50 different nationalities.

Are children segregated?

Children are taught in mixed classes from Nursery to Year 6. In secondary (from Year 7), students are segregated into Boys Forms and Girls Forms and taught separately. They are in the same building and share a playground/break area, so do see each other.

Where can I purchase the school uniform?

Our uniform is contemporary and European in style. We have made it practical for children learning! Our uniform shop is located in the admin building upstairs from reception.

How do you feedback progress and attainment to students and parents?

We ensure that families are fully informed of what their child is learning in school and how families can help at home through weekly newsletters and termly meetings for families. We also have regular family workshops in all areas of the curriculum.

What is your homework policy?

We recognise that many children have busy lives. They will work hard while at school, so we will not be setting excessive amounts of homework. We expect all children to read at home regularly to develop a love of reading. Any homework given will be relevant and meaningful.

What facilities do you have?

Our school offers an impressive astro-pitch, gymnasium, 25m pool, multi-sports court, hydroponics greenshouse as well as shaded well-equipped playgrounds with cushioned flooring.  All classrooms have smart boards and access to our large stock of Google Chromebooks. We have three well-stocked libraries, a music room and break-out areas.  Our eco-friendly environment also includes a hydroponics greenhouse and animals including tortoises, turtles, African land snails, fish and chickens.

Do you have Extra Curricular Activities and school trips?

A range of ECAs, included in school fees, are available from Year 1 upward four days a week (children can choose 2 a week). This includes a range of recreational and educational activities such as rugby, chess, drama, maths club, athletics and Eco Club.

Termly educational visits and trips from FS2 upwards are carried out over the year to support the curriculum topics.

Please note ECAs and Trips are currently banned due to the ADEK COVID regulations.

How does your school ensure children engage in physical activity?

P.E and Swimming are an integral part of the curriculum.  We ensure that the importance of both physical and mental health are taught to the students. We also have a number of community events over the year such as Healthy Week and House Days to celebrate physical wellbeing. 

How do you promote healthy eating?

We actively promote healthy eating at school as we know that when children eat nutritionally-rich food they have more energy and approach their studies with more enthusiasm. Not nuts, sweets or fizzy drinks are allowed in packed-lunches.

Does the school have cafeteria facilities for the students?

Raptors, our catering company serve hot and cold meals to children in Year 3 upwards in our canteen. There is also be a cafe in the reception area for families to use – The Gallery Café.

Please note canteen is currently closed due to the ADEK COVID regulations. A minimal snack delivery service is on offer.

Please advise on your discipline policy?

Positive relationships will permeate all aspects of the Aspen Heights school. We use a positive approach to behaviour management. Every member of our community embraces the Four Cs -Courtesy, Consideration, Common sense and Co-operation. You can see our Behaviour Policy here.

How often is the more formal feedback such as reports and parent/teacher meetings?

Our teachers will be available for a quick word at the start and end of each day and to make an appointment if a longer discussion is needed. Formal family conferencing sessions will happen twice a year.

Is Arabic taught as both a first language and second language in your school?

Yes. All children in EYFS receive 4 Arabic lessons a week, from year 1 they are split into native and non-native for Arabic and will receive 3-5 Arabic lessons per week.

Which other languages are taught?

French is taught to children in Y3 and older.

Do you offer EAL or TEFL support for those students where English is not their first language?

We support all children through quality first teaching and by immersing children in a language-rich curriculum.

Is Islamic Education/Studies for the Arab Muslim students delivered in Arabic for them?

Yes from Year 1 for Islamic and from Year 2 for Social Studies.

Do you have a dedicated prayer room/s for the Muslim students?

Yes, we have prayer rooms.

What examinations and assessments do you offer?

For older children, we  offer IGSE (Year 11) and IB Diploma (Year 13).  Children in Year 7 onwards will do internal end of year exams. Children in primary do not do exams.

How do you support gifted, able and talented students?

We are a fully inclusive school and ensure that all children are challenged to make as much progress as possible in all areas. We offer an academic scholarship programme for our Secondary children.

Are there opportunities for parents to support the learning, activities and events within the school or on trips other than through the parent group?

Aspen Heights is very much a community school. Our Friends of Aspen group is open to all parents and we encourage families to be involved in everyday learning, activities and events the school.

Do you offer specific activities, events or information sessions for those parents new to the school and/or area?

Families are welcome to come and visit admissions team anytime during the school day- Monday to Friday.  We hold information sessions and family workshops throughout the year.

Do you have a learning support team in your school?

Yes, you can find out more about our Inclusion Department here.

What Pastoral care do you provide for the children?

A high level of pastoral care is on offer to all children.  In secondary, students have pastoral time with form tutors including PSHE and moral education. Children have golden time activities, and we have a School Counsellor available.

Does every student have the opportunity to attend Aspen Heights?

Aspen Heights British School is an inclusive school for gifted students and those with special educational needs. We offer additional learning support where we can help the child to progress. Parents should inform the school at application stage regarding any additional learning support requirements for their child. We may request copies of external documents such as professional assessments, individual learning plans, and one to one learning requirements which will be reviewed by our Head of Inclusion. Full inclusion information can be found here.

Is Aspen Heights affiliated with any other schools?

We are proud to be part of International Schools Partnership (iSP), a global community of 80+ schools across 22 countries with a shared purpose of growing the world’s most curious, confident minds.

We champion a transformative approach to learning that goes beyond the classroom.

By igniting our students’ curiosity and growing their self-confidence, our students thrive throughout their time at school and beyond.